
In Poland pirate VOD services are losing their popularity

In Australia, the use of illegal copies of films and series is common among subscribers to several different VOD services, according to a study by Sycamore. According to the experts, the reason is the disappointment of subscribers who cannot find the content they are interested in on the platforms they pay for. – The need to use multiple paid platforms can be an obstacle for users. But in Poland, pirate VOD services are losing their popularity,” said  Teresa Wierzbowska, president of the Sygnał Association, in an interview with

In Poland, piracy is on the defensive. In an interview with Teresa Wierzbowska, president of the Sygnał Association dealing with the problem of TV/video piracy in Poland, argues that the data concerning Australia do not find analogies on our market. – One should not underestimate the predictions that the necessity to use many paid platforms may be a hindrance for users – admits Teresa Wierzbowska. – In Poland the answer to this potential problem is the announcement of consolidation and cooperation of some entities in order to limit the number of VOD platforms on the market. According to Teresa Wierzbowska, the observations and research that the Signal has made that pirate VOD services are losing their popularity with us.