We encourage you to read articles in which Sygnał’s representatives talk about new measures by EU institutions to prevent piracy of live sports events, comment on the results of the latest Deloitte report and warn against advertisements of pirate IPTV services on Facebook. – ‘’The European Parliament is working on blocking illegal sports broadcasts within […]
In Poland pirate VOD services are losing their popularity
In Poland, piracy is on the defensive. In an interview with Wirtualnemedia.pl Teresa Wierzbowska, president of the Sygnał Association dealing with the problem of TV/video piracy in Poland, argues that the data concerning Australia do not find analogies on our market.
„TV Lider” on Piracy in an interviwe with Teresa Wierzbowska
Jakub Wajdzik in his interview with Teresa Wierzbowska, President of Signal talked about piracy, problems of broadcasters and the “Warsaw Declaration” adopted after the ICPS Conference.
“On the Fight against Piracy” in “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”
– The battle against piracy could resemble the Don Quixote’s fight against windmills. Once the media and creative sector had the new thought to protect their copyrights, they are followed by the criminals who do not want to give up – Łukasz Sternowski, Member of the Management Board Sygnał Association.
Copyright: Combating Pirated Content can be more effective
Łukasz Sternowski, Member of the Board of Sygnal Association in an interview with Mateusz Rzemek from “Rzeczpospolita”.
On Piracy in Broadband TV News
The International Content Protection Summit received its coverage in “Broadband TV News” the International information provider.