
New Piracy Figures and Dangerous IPTV Adverstisements – Sygnał in the Media

We encourage you to read articles in which Sygnał’s representatives talk about new measures by EU institutions to prevent piracy of live sports events, comment on the results of the latest Deloitte report and warn against advertisements of pirate IPTV services on Facebook.

– ‘’The European Parliament is working on blocking illegal sports broadcasts within 30 minutes after notification. In Poland, we still do not implement its directives and do not even block pirate sites’’, says Teresa Wierzbowska, President of Sygnal in an interview with Video Content Theft in Poland.
For the same portal, in the article Even 2.85 billion to be Recovered from the Illegal Circulation of Audiovisual Works, Wierzbowska talks about the the limits of the current system’s effectiveness. – ‘We have successes, but they come at a gigantic cost and a huge amount of work,’ she summarises the results of the report, which will be published soon.

Adam Jankowski spoke to about the threats posed to the Polish internet users associated with the scourge of advertisements for pirate IPTV services on Facebook. More at the link Poles looking for Pirate IPTV Services Face Danger. “Fraud Squared’’.