On October 10-11 In Ossa near Rawa Mazowiecka took place a conference “Counteracting theft of television signal” co-organized by the Sygnał and the National Police Headquarters. During the second edition of the conference, more than a hundred policemen, prosecutors and representatives of the media market met to discuss the scale of piracy and how to combat it.
About “follow the money” at the ICC conference
Teresa Wierzbowska, the President of Sygnał presented speech during the conference of the Polish National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) concerning how effectively the advertising industry in Poland has regulated the issue of money going to entities receiving revenues from illegal distribution of content on the Internet.
Two men detained for cardsharing
Police officers from Łódź and Sieradz have stopped the illigal activity. Two residents of the Sieradz poviat had been commiting the crime of cardsharing.
Golden Badge for the most effective Police units
On Wednesday, July 10th, the Anti-Piracy Coalition (which includes Signal Association) awarded representatives of the Police units with honorary distinctions – Golden Badge – in recognition of their special commitment and effective fight against music, television and computer piracy.
About Sygnał’s experience in Brussels
On June 24th 2019 The President of Signal Teresa Wierzbowska took part in the meeting on the topic „Follow the Money Approach in the Protection of the Intellectual Property Rights.”
Sygnał at the conference “ICT Crime XXI.2”
The protection of the works on the Internet, card sharing, jurisdiction concerning the cutting off the pirate websites from funding sources are topics presented by the Signal Association during the scientific conference “ICT Crime XXI.2” at the Naval Academy in Gdynia on June 18th, 2019.
Sygnał at the XXII edition of TAPT in Szczytno
The 22nd edition of the TAPT Scientific Conference – “Technical Aspects of ICT Crime” took place on June 3rd-4th, 2019 at he headquarters of the Police Academy in Szczytno.
On combating piracy – Police School in Pila
The online theft of Intellectual Property Rights and TV signal was the subject of the seventh edition of Conference co-organized by Sygnal Association and held on April 10-11, 2019 in Piła’s Police School.
General Meeting of Sygnal’s Members
The International Content Protection Summit Conference, the Warsaw’s Declaration, conference in Ossa, trainings for 1011 participants, the “piractwo.tv” program, cooperation with law enforcement, continuation of the „Follow the money” campaign – such was the year 2018 for Sygnal.
41-years old arrested for cardsharing
Police Officers from the Cyber Crime Unit of the Rzeszów Regional Police Headquarters discontinued one more time the piracy dealings of illegal TV signal distribution. 41-years old from Mielec who illegally disseminated online TV programmes of the lawful digital platforms has been brought to justice for “sharing”.