The International Content Protection Summit was a conference dedicated to sharing best practices and establishing international cooperation regarding fighting theft of audio-visual content. It was held on 18-19 October, 2018 in Warsaw. The conference was hosted by Sygnał Association.
Its aim is to initiate regular international cooperation among anti-piracy organisations as well as to promote efficient methods of counteracting Internet piracy, including effective legal solutions, actions based on the ‘follow the money’ approach, and various educational initiatives. Discussing the directions of changes in the European law with regard to protecting intellectual property rights and enforcing copyright was the highlight on the conference agenda.
The 120 participants of the ICPS were representatives of organisations, institutions and companies from all around Europe as well as from other continents - from Belgium, Denmark, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Latvia, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine, Great Britain, Italy, the United Arab Emirates and the United States.
The Conference was organised by the Sygnał Association with the support of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (MKIDN), the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE), the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications (KIGEiT) and the Polish Confederation Lewiatan, with the media partnership of Business Insider, Discovery, TVN, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Polsat, Press, Rzeczpospolita and TVP.
The “Warsaw Declaration”: International Cooperation Key to Combating Piracy
35 international and local organisations, institutions and companies declared their willingness to cooperate in an effort to combat internet piracy in response to the globalisation of cybercrime. The announcement of mutual support as well as experience sharing is the core of the “Warsaw Declaration”, which came to fruition during the International Content Protection Summit in Warsaw.
The “Warsaw Declaration” underlines the importance and the role of international cooperation between organisations, institutions, governmental bodies and companies in combating internet piracy. It expresses the willingness to share best practices and experiences in order to develop and popularise effective methods of combating internet piracy, including but not limited to, legal action, “follow the money” as well as various educational initiatives.
The draft of the Declaration was created during the International Content Protection Summit (ICPS), which took place in Warsaw on the 18th and the 19th October of this year. The participants of the event discussed characteristics and the scale of piracy in individual countries as well as the current measures aimed at preventing cybercrime. They shared experiences, discussed examples of international actions as well as legal and operational aspects of activities, including the cooperation with the advertising market and payment providers in order to limit the illicit trade of video content by means of blocking illegal websites as well as educational activities and undertakings aimed at raising awareness about intellectual property infringement.
The biggest current challenges of the creative market, related to piracy, are the increasing global reach of cybercrime, new technologies used for illegal distribution of content (for example, IPTV), the use of cryptocurrencies as a new payment method as well as the consequences of the lack of a uniform European law and incomplete implementation of individual directives in certain countries.
“Piracy is currently a highly profitable undertaking with a complicated network of relations. There is proof of its connections to other types of crime. The alarming figures concerning the scale of theft and illegal trade of audiovisual content are a motivating factor to take action. Holding the first international meeting on combating piracy in our region was aimed at underlining the value of experience sharing and the necessity of cooperation between organisations, institutions and governmental bodies as well as businesses from various countries,” commented Teresa Wierzbowska, the President of the Board of the Sygnał Association.
The 120 participants of the ICPS were representatives of organisations, institutions and companies from all around Europe as well as from other continents - from Belgium, Denmark, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Latvia, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine, Great Britain, Italy, the United Arab Emirates and the United States.
The Conference was organised by the Sygnał Association with the support of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (MKIDN), the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE), the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications (KIGEiT) and the Polish Confederation Lewiatan, with the media partnership of Business Insider, Discovery, TVN, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Polsat, Press, Rzeczpospolita and TVP.
The Latest “Warsaw Declaration” Is Promising International Anti-Piracy Cooperation
Warsaw Declaration: International cooperation key to fighting piracy
The international anti-piracy front is being formed in Warsaw
United Media joins anti-piracy Warsaw Declaration
RettighedsAlliancen har tilsluttet sig “The Warsaw Declaration”
Międzynarodowy front antypiracki powstaje w Warszawie
Tak walczy się z piractwem. Które z działań przynoszą najlepsze efekty? [ICPS 2018]
Prawo autorskie: Pirackie treści da się zwalczać skuteczniej
Miliony strat z powodu piractwa. Jak z nim walczyć
Piractwo w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej
Obejrzenie nielegalnego filmu to nawet kilka tys. zł kary
Polska gospodarka traci miliardy na nielegalnych treściach w internecie
Międzynarodowa koalicja antypiracka powstaje w Warszawie
Deklaracja Warszawska: 34 organizacje będą walczyć z piractwem
Deklaracja Warszawska na rzecz walki z piractwem
O piractwie internetowym rozmawiano na konferencji w Warszawie
During the first day of the conference, the experts will present the scale and the problem of piracy in Europe and the ways of fighting piracy in different countries. They will present examples of successful police actions that aimed at fighting sharing or illegal services, and successful ways of blocking illegal websites.
The program for the second day (closed event) is a workshop aimed at creating international cooperation models. The starting point will be the presentations of the most important issues related to the fight against piracy, technological challenges, law enforcement and international legal assistance, the responsibility of intermediaries. There will also be a discussion about activities carried out under the "Follow the Money" strategy.
The speakers attending the conference are experts in organizations and institutions engaged in the protection of intellectual property. They are practitioners responsible for fighting against piracy in media and content developing companies as well as film producers. Lawyers, specialists fighting against cybercrime, heads of departments involved in content protection will come from Belgium, Denmark, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Latvia, Germany, Switzerland, Serbia, Ukraine, Great Britain, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States.
Among them:
Trevor Albery
Vice President, Strategy & Operations, EMEA Content Protection & Analytics
Warner Bros. Entertainment Europe
Trevor joined Warner Bros. Entertainment Europe in March 2004. Trevor is responsible for managing the Content Protection & Analytics team for the EMEA region. This team is responsible for managing supply chain security, legal & enforcement activities (by Warner Bros. and on an industry level), consumer awareness initiatives, public policy/lobbying, data gathering, reporting & analytics services to the Theatrical, Home Entertainment and Television divisions.
WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINMENT is a global leader in all forms of entertainment and their related businesses across all current and emerging media and platforms. A WarnerMedia Company, the fully integrated, broad-based Studio is home to one of the most successful collections of brands in the world and stands at the forefront of every aspect of the entertainment industry from feature film, television and home entertainment production and worldwide distribution to DVD and Blu-ray, digital distribution, animation, comic books, video games, product and brand licensing, and broadcasting. The company’s vast library, one of the most prestigious and valuable in the world, consists of more than 61,000 hours of programming, including nearly 6,500 feature films and 3,000 television programs comprised of tens of thousands of individual episodes.
Mirko Di Giovanni
Warrant Officer, Unit of Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights of Nucleo di Polizia Economico-Finanziaria of Rome
Guardia di Finanza
Born in Roma in 1975, enlisted in Guardia di Finanza in 1995 attending the two years course at warrant officers academy. After reaching the rank of warrant officer worked as instructor at the same structure. In 2005, after having graduated in jurisprudence, was assigned at the Rome anticounterfeit-unit within the Nucleo di Polizia Economico-Finanziaria where he gained a decades-long experience in the fight against counterfeiting and piracy. Head patrol of the team that has completed the international police operation called “Spin Off”.
Guardia di Finanza is an Italian militarized law enforcement agency under the authority of the Minister of Economy and Finance. The primary goal of Guardia di Finanza is to protect the legal economy and the businesses operating in compliance with the law, while ensuring that the Republic, the European Union, the Regions, and the local governments can rely on a regular inflow and appropriate use of the resources meant for the community, and for supporting policies for economic and social revival and development. Its activities are connected with financial, economic, judiciary and public safety: copyright violations, cybercrime, money laundering, tax evasion, financial crimes, smuggling, international illegal drug trafficking, illegal immigration, customs and borders checks, anti-Mafia operations, credit card fraud, counterfeiting, terrorist financing, maintaining public order, and safety, political and military defense of the Italian borders.
Mónica Dopico Martínez
Chief Inspector, Head of Intellectual Property Section
The Spanish National Police
Mónica became a Police Inspector at the age of 22, after graduating from the University of Ferrol in Labour and Employment Relations. After 2 years in Avila, in the Spanish National Police School, she was posted to Barcelona, where she spent 3 years investigating networks of document falsification and human trafficking. In 2001, Mónica moved from the Provincial Brigade to the Central Unit in Madrid and continued to investigate the aforementioned matters but at a national and international level.
After five years, she decided to move to another area, the Judicial Police, where she was involved in investigations of criminal organizations from Eastern Europe. In 2011, Mónica was promoted to Chief Inspector, assuming the direction of the IP Section, where she is responsible for the investigation into organized crime behind Intellectual Property offences. During these 22 years she has been awarded many honours, including several White and Red Crosses for national, local and civil merits, the best European Team Award granted by the EUROPOL (1st edition, year 2017), and more than two hundred of public commendations for services.
The Spanish National Police was founded in 1824 under the name of General Police of the Kingdom. During almost 200 years, the National Police has changed its name and uniforms several times, until present day in which we are well-established as the Spanish National Police and we wear a blue uniform, the universal colour of Police forces. The National Police is based in cities and towns with more than 100.000 inhabitants so it has more than 70% of the national population under its jurisdiction. The National Police has more than 68.000 officers in order to carry out their duties. According to the Spanish Constitution, the main objective of the National Police is "to protect the freedom of citizens to exercise their rights and freedoms and guarantee public order".
Kateryna Fedorova
Head of the Clear Sky Initiative
Since 2006 Kateryna Fedorova is in TV and media. Started as a Discovery channels group representative in Ukraine. Over the years Kateryna has worked together with program service providers, rights holders, both Ukrainian and International, and other market players. She is an author of 9 profile articles on the transformation of the market and trends in the audio-visual field. Since June, 2017, Kateryna Fedorova is a Head of anti-piracy Initiative “Clear Sky” that aims to unite rights holders, advertisers, providers and all those involved in the fight against piracy for the purpose of developing and securing business.
Clear Sky is a Ukrainian initiative for copyright and related rights defence. It has been acting since 2013 and focuses on B2B counterparts and 'follow the money' approach. Works with advertisers, ISP, pay TV providers, banks and payment systems, search engines, bulletin boards, social networks etc. Its founders are Ukraine’s major media groups: 1+1 Media, StarLightMedia, Media Group Ukraine and Inter Media Group. We are open to new members and challenges to stay FOR LEGAL CONTENT in Ukraine.
Maria Fredenslund
Attorney-at-law specializing in IP online
Director of RettighedsAlliancen
With more than 10 years of experience within the area of fighting illegal content online, Maria has been heavily involved with architecting and developing a technical and legal framework for an effective website blocking system in Denmark. Bringing together crucial stakeholders such as the Danish ISPs, public authorities and other participants in the online environment – The Danish Model – has been a key goal for Maria.
RettighedsAlliancen is an organization representing more than 100.000 rights holders across the audiovisual, music, publishing and design industries. RA aims to promote a safe and sustainable online environment for both users and businesses by making it difficult to provide and consume infringing content online. RA’ strategy to reach this goal is to use various technical and legal tools to identify and remove or block access to infringing content online. RA collaborates with public authorities and all online stake holders in this fight, while also playing a leading role in raising public awareness of the implications of consuming illegal content online.
Tim Kuik
BREIN Foundation
Tim Kuik (LLM) is an Intellectual Property lawyer with worldwide civil and criminal enforcement experience. He is the director of the Dutch BREIN foundation for content protection and developed a civil law internet enforcement strategy for Intellectual Property rights holders that serves as an example worldwide. Mr. Kuik graduated at the University of Amsterdam in 1982 and worked as IP counsel in various international businesses and organizations in Amsterdam, London, Brussels and Los Angeles. Kuik graduated at the University of Amsterdam in 1982 and worked as IP counsel in various international businesses and organizations in Amsterdam, London, Brussels and Los Angeles.
BREIN - The Art of Protecting the CreativeThe BREIN Foundation is one of the very few copyright protection organisations that represents authors and performing artists as well as publishers, producers and distributors of content across the various sectors: music, film, series, books, images, games and interactive software. BREIN was founded in 1998 and its award winning online copyright enforcement strategy is considered exemplary for local and international programs worldwide. Over the past 20 years BREIN has conducted 66,501 investigations; removed 40,632 illegal websites for downloading and streaming with well over 2 billion illegal links and files; removed over 17.5 million search results for illegal online offerings; carried out 6,062 actions against online vendors of illegal copies as well as 14,933 actions against offline vendors and confiscated over 11.5 million illegal copies.
Catherine Lloyd
Senior Legal Adviser
IFPI, representing the recording industry worldwide
Based in London Catherine works as a Senior Legal Adviser in the Litigation team. Catherine joined IFPI in 2011 and since this time has been working on high profile music piracy litigation around the world, including working closely with many of IFPI’s national groups assisting and advising on their website blocking actions. Catherine trained at the law firm Taylor Wessing LLP and holds a LLB from the University of Law and an MA in Modern Languages.
IFPI is the organisation that promotes the interests of the international recording industry worldwide. Its membership comprises some 1,300 major and independent companies in 59 countries. It also has affiliated industry national groups in 57 countries. IFPI’s mission is to promote the value of recorded music, campaign for the rights of record producers and expand the commercial uses of recorded music in all markets where its members operate.
Chris Le Maitre
Director Operations Cisco’s Operational Security Group
representing Audiovisual Anti-Piracy Alliance (AAPA)
Involved in anti-piracy operations at varying levels for 20+ years in the payTV sector, focusing on attacks directed at Conditional Access technology provided by NDS/Cisco. PayTV piracy has evolved over these years from smartcard piracy to various forms of key-sharing / control-word sharing and illicit IPTV / streaming. Prior to the payTV industry, Chris worked at FACT in the UK combatting film, video and dvd piracy. For the last 10 years, Chris has represented NDS/Cisco at AAPA.
The Audiovisual Anti-Piracy Alliance (AAPA) Represents companies involved in value chain for the provision of protected audiovisual services. AAPA’s mission is to support the fight against piracy where this involves the circumvention of content protection technologies, resulting in the unauthorised use of content. AAPA brings members together to share information and intelligence and to co-ordinate their activities, as appropriate. AAPA maintains a dialogue with the European Commission, INTERPOL, Europol, where it is a member of the IPC3 Stakeholders Advisory Group, and is an active participant in the EU Observatory on IP Infringements.
Marcin Przasnyski
Managing Director Anti-Piracy Protection co-founder
representing The Creative Poland Association
Marcin is an expert in monitoring, enforcement and investigation of copyright infringements in the internet, managing a leading antipiracy vendor in the CEE region. His background is consumer information technology and media, with 20 years of career as editor and publisher of printed press until 2006. Since then Marcin as an entrepreneur has started a number of creative companies in digital sector, including special interest online portals, producers and distributors of videogames, OTT video services. Since 2013 Marcin is solely devoted to protecting intellectual property in the internet on behalf of global and local content owners. He holds a Master’s degree in Journalism from Warsaw University and MBA from London School of Economics, New York University and HEC Paris.
The Creative Poland Association comprises people and organisations supporting the development of creative industries in Poland. The Association represents the broadest scope of the Polish cultural sector among NGOs, including TV, Film, Music, Books, Newspapers, Online Publishing and Photographic industries, as well as associations and unions of authors, and individual artists. Since its creation in 2013 the Association has been promoting creativity, innovation, and equal access to the cultural goods by supporting the development of legal, economic and organizational frameworks on domestic and international political scene.
Agnieszka Rauch
Chairperson of the “Follow the Money” Programme Council
Sygnał Association
Anti-Piracy and Online Rights Management Senior Specialist at TVN S.A. with 5 years of work experience in online digital content protection, focusing on international aspects of IPR protection and combating illegal IPTV services dedicated to Polish expats. Cooperating with right holders, anti-piracy organisations and enforcement agencies worldwide. Formerly responsible for IPR violation research and reporting. Chairperson of the “Follow the Money” Programme Council at the Sygnał Association, an initiative which aims at cutting off all sources of financial revenue to copyright infringing websites.
Anna Słoboda
Vice President of the Management Board
Sygnał Association
Head of Online Rights Management and Anti-Piracy Team at TVN S.A. with 11 years of experience in the field of anti-piracy, in particular in regard to the entertainment and media sectors. She represents TVN's interests in the fight against illegal distribution at numerous Polish and international industry events. Vice-President of the Sygnał Association that acts in favour of intellectual property rights of broadcasters, distributors, licensors, recipients of TV programmes and other multimedia content. She also actively cooperates with numerous organizations and associations that promote the use of cultural goods in compliance with the rights of their creators.
Pio Giuseppe Stola
Captain, Unit of Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights of Nucleo di Polizia Economico-Finanziaria of Rome
Guardia di Finanza
In charge of unit of Intellectual and industrial Property rights of Nucleo di Polizia Economico-Finanziaria of Rome. Captain Stola is an official of Guardia di Finanza, graduated, after having attended the five years of course at the academy, in Sciences of financial economic security and Jurisprudence. Currently is the commander of the unit of Intellectual and industrial Property rights of Nucleo di Polizia Economico-Finanziaria of Rome, that deals exclusively with combating crimes committed in the field of counterfeiting, of copyrights infringement and of piracy, including audiovisual and hacking. Previously he held command positions at Tributary Police Unit of Reggio Calabria, during which he gained extensive experience in the fight against organized crime and national and international money laundering.
Guardia di Finanza is an Italian militarized law enforcement agency under the authority of the Minister of Economy and Finance. The primary goal of Guardia di Finanza is to protect the legal economy and the businesses operating in compliance with the law, while ensuring that the Republic, the European Union, the Regions, and the local governments can rely on a regular inflow and appropriate use of the resources meant for the community, and for supporting policies for economic and social revival and development. Its activities are connected with financial, economic, judiciary and public safety: copyright violations, cybercrime, money laundering, tax evasion, financial crimes, smuggling, international illegal drug trafficking, illegal immigration, customs and borders checks, anti-Mafia operations, credit card fraud, counterfeiting, terrorist financing, maintaining public order, and safety, political and military defense of the Italian borders.
Igor Stolyarov
Head of Global Development for Brand Protection and Anti-Piracy
Igor has been in the digital risk protection industry for a few years, assisting businesses to protect against phishing, violations of trademark rights, counterfeiting, and online piracy. With a wealth of industry experience, he has been participating in Anti-Piracy activities as an expert in online fraud trends for Russia and the CIS. He frequently represents Group-IB at major international industry events, workshops, and law enforcement trainings, speaking on online threat prevention, anti-counterfeiting trends and challenges. With Group-IB, Igor is looking for sharing experience and exploring new ways of making Anti-Piracy services an essential security tool for businesses to eliminate online infringements and protect their clients.
Group-IB is one of the global leaders in preventing and investigating high-tech crimes and online fraud. Since 2003, the company has been active in the field of computer forensics and information security, protecting the largest international companies against financial losses and reputation risks. Group-IB recognized by Gartner, Forrester and IDC as a leading threat intelligence vendor with the ability to provide a unique insight to the threats originating from Russia and Eastern Europe. Group-IB is recommended by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).
Sarah Van Reempts
Legal Counsel EMEA
Motion Picture Association
Sarah has 11 years of experience in the field of intellectual property rights. She formerly worked as a lawyer at the Brussels’ bar and in the music industry. Sarah joined the MPA in October 2013. Sarah’s key responsibility at the MPA is the management of copyright litigation in different jurisdictions within EMEA. She has worked in particular on outreach and legal actions against rogue TV services/website operators and intermediaries that provide services to such copyright infringers.
Motion Picture Association The EMEA office of the MPA, based in Brussels, was opened in 1995. It represents the interests of the motion picture and television industry in an incredibly diverse market. The Brussels office’s principal areas of activity include: work on legislative and regulatory issues at the European and national levels; development and implementation of content protection strategies; coordination of region-wide content protection activities in coordination with some seventeen national partners; advocating the development and respect of digital rights management; collaboration with other rights holder groups to promote intellectual property rights; and negotiation and administration of collective management agreements.
Aditya Verma
Senior Legal Counsel
Addy Verma has over 12 years’ experience in contentious & non-contentious IP matters, IP Management, Anti-Piracy, Anti-Counterfeiting & Dispute Resolution. Addy has worked in specialized law firms doing work for IP rich global giants. He currently leads IP & content protection work for OSN, a leading pay-TV platform in MENA region. Addy initiated & managed unique and successful infringement cases. He has also presented in workshops organised by Interpol. Addy is listed by the World Trade Mark Review as “Top 300 in-house corporate TM professionals” (2017 & 2018). He is also listed by the IAM 300’s “World’s top 300 IP Strategists” in 2018.
OSN is the MENA region’s leading entertainment network with the rights to broadcast into 24 countries. With over 150 channels, OSN’s strength is its unbeatable range of exclusive programming led by its long-term partnerships with studio majors including Disney, HBO, NBC Universal, Fox, Paramount, MGM, Sony, DreamWorks and Warner Brothers. OSN is the home for premium content in Arabic, English, Filipino and South Asian languages. OSN broadcasts the latest content at the same time as in the US, including popular series, blockbuster movies, and sports events. OSN has been at the forefront of digital technology innovation in the Middle East introducing the first Digital Video Recorder HD; ‘OSN Play’ - an online TV platform; an internet-enabled satellite receiver and recorder and OSN on Demand, the region's first VOD service. OSN also provides entertainment content via its online and mobile app entertainment platform ‘WAVO’ offering movies, series and sports.
Teresa Wierzbowska
President of the Management Board
Sygnał Association
President of the Board of the Sygnał Association affiliating TV broadcasters and operators for the purpose of intellectual property rights protection. Advisor of the Board for Public Affairs at Cyfrowy Polsat, one of the biggest Polish companies and the leading media-telecom group in the region. Vice-President and Member of the Board of the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications. Member of the Board of the Creative Poland Association. Vice-President of the Supervisory Board of the Interactive Advertising Bureau, Poland. Academic teacher with over 10 years experience in the field, Rector’s plenipotentiary at Collegium Civitas.
Sygnał Association acts in favour of intellectual property rights of broadcasters, distributors, licensors, recipients of TV programmes and other multimedia content. Currently, it comprises almost 20 media and telecommunications companies operating in Poland. The Association was established in 2001. It carries out large-scale educational and information activities. It organizes courses, workshops and conferences, and pursues educational initiatives. It prepares reports, studies and opinions on IPR protection and piracy prevention issues. It provides its members with an opportunity to cooperate and share experience, thus enhancing the effectiveness of activities related to the prevention of theft of audio and video content. It cooperates closely with organizations pursuing similar objectives.